Ram Koolhaas' poster with good layout and organized font size
The success point of this poster is attractive. The upside down portrait painting can catch viewers' attention easily. This poster is used to inform people about a presentation. Thus the layout and the typography are strong focused with different size. And the more important information was used darker color to express the importance.
The "OMA" letters are transparent to avoid the unmatched visual to the portrait painting. And the other "AMO" letters which in lighter color make "OMA" in symmetrical poster won't be so abrupt. Hence to create a visual illusion that both site have "O" and "A" in same color.
The reason why the upside-down portrait painting isn't make a donation of strange is that it's only show half face with eyes clearly and also in the same color scheme as texts. The other reason is that in the event of putting painting in the right way, the main part of human face- eyes will be hide after texts, therefore, the poster will be fail to others.
In conclusion, this poster creates strong and pitched method.